Monday, January 4, 2021

Research Update (January 4, 2021)


Research Update (January 4, 2021)

Diligence Technologies Inc., West Tennessee


December marked both an end and a beginning.  We put the finishing touches on our last bit of work in the field (ginning cotton samples, taking final ratings on winter wheat trials until spring, etc.).  We also started a considerable amount of greenhouse work as our winter activities moved into high gear.  It may be cold outside, but it is always warm in the heated greenhouse.



Like everyone else, our winter meeting schedule will look a lot different this year.  As of right now, all the meetings that we would normally attend through the end of February have been cancelled or moved to an online format.  While we still may be able to view the presentations on the computer, I will miss my favorite part of the meetings.  There is no substitute for catching up with old friends and making new ones.  If you happen to be around west Tennessee this winter, please stop by for a visit.  We will be needing the company.



The fall was relatively mild and gave the winter wheat enough time to get established prior to winter.  Wheat maintenance is finished and we should be largely out of the field until late February (which will be here before you know it).



Another exciting greenhouse season is well underway.  We already have trials established on turf and various row crops with more planned to begin this month.  Stop by and we will be happy to give you the grand tour.



The weather this past month was pretty much “textbook” December for Tennessee.  The temperatures dropped and the rain frequency increased a bit.  That, combined with the limited hours of sunlight, tend to make things a bit gloomy.  However, we can take heart in knowing that the days will continue to get longer for the next six months.



We have been able to get some aphids for greenhouse testing this winter.  May not sound like a big accomplishment, but my standard line is that the most difficult part of running a greenhouse aphid trial is getting aphids where and when you want them.  If you need some insecticide work on aphids let me know.  We may be able to help you out.  Otherwise, about the only pests we are seeing are fields covered with winter annuals and the pests we get for greenhouse testing.


As always, we are thankful that you allow us to be part of your research program.  Please let us know if you need some greenhouse work now, some winter wheat trials in the spring, or you are already getting things ready for next summer.  We will be glad to help.


Proverbs 27:23-24

Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds; for riches are not forever.

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