Monday, November 2, 2020

Research Update (November 2, 2020)


Research Update (November 2, 2020)


Diligence Technologies Inc., West Tennessee


Corn harvest is in the books and everyone should have their corn data at this point.  Soybeans and cotton have continued to mature slowly with the cool temperatures in September and October but we are making progress on both.  We hope to have harvest season finished up and the last reports for this summer out soon.



Wheat trials were planted in October and the wheat is off to a good start.  We have a little maintenance to do before winter, but we should be putting these trials to bed soon and then get back to work on them next spring.

Cotton defoliation trials are finishing up at present.  With the cooler weather this fall, cotton defoliation was more challenging than in some years and the numbers are reflecting that challenge.  All things considered, it was still a pretty good year to separate one defoliation treatment from another.



The greenhouse is open and the transition to winter activities is underway.  While we are really just getting started on greenhouse season, it appears that the projects for this winter will cover a wide range of pests and crops (which helps keep things interesting).  Now is great time to call and discuss any potential projects you are considering.  We would love to have you visit the warm greenhouse during the cold of winter.



The weather has been cool this fall and crop progress has been slow.  However, once the crops finally reached maturity, we have had relatively dry weather for harvest.  Harvest has went quite well once the crops let us get started.



All our insect trials are completed in the field and insect pressure varied depending on which insect you were looking for.  Cotton bollworms were hard to come by in our cotton plots.  We did get a bollworm flight in west Tennessee, but this year they chose not to land in our plots.  We had better luck with our soybean trials.  Soybean looper pressure was good earlier in the season and stinkbug pressure continued to build well into the fall.  I think those that ran soybean insecticide trials with us this year are pleased with the results.


As always, we are thankful for your support and look forward to working with each of you again in the future.  Don’t forget that we will have the greenhouse open for several months and can help you generate data even when it is too cold to do much field work.  Just let us know how we can help.


Proverbs 21:5

The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness.