Diligence Technologies Inc., West Tennessee
Diligence Technologies now has office space at the Agricenter International in Memphis. We have been working over the winter to turn it into a functional space for meetings (Jesse and Kevin built the conference table) as well as getting the computer system ready for data processing. If you would like the 30 second tour, we are located in C wing on the second floor (office C-31).
The past month has been busy with the Beltwide Cotton Conferences, NAICC, and Southern Weed Science Society. Toss in the Dyersburg Grain Conference (earlier today), and you can tell that meeting season is in full swing. Several of the upcoming meetings are a little closer to home:
Tennessee Ag Production Association (Feb. 8, Jackson, TN)
Cotton Focus (Feb. 9, Jackson, TN)
Mid-south Farm & Gin Show (Mar. 3-4, Memphis, TN)
Southeastern Branch ESA (Mar. 12-15, Memphis, TN)
We look forward to seeing you at one of the remaining events on the calendar.
Wheat continues to look unusually good for early February. A long, warm fall combined with a mild winter (so far) have allowed wheat to grow without much of a break. In fact, we are holding off on fertilization for a while as we do not want to generate too much growth while we still have the potential of a hard freeze.
As is our tradition, we have quite a bit of extra wheat planted for use in foliar trials. Let us know if your plans call for wheat trials this spring.
One side "benefit" of the mild winter is that it has given the winter weeds a good start which should make for excellent burndown trial opportunities. With burndown trial season approaching soon, let us know your needs in this area.
Greenhouse testing for the season is in full swing and the greenhouse continues to be the best place to work on a cold winter day. We currently have a wide variety of insecticide, herbicide, and fertility trials underway.
With 1,650 square feet of heated greenhouse space, we still have room for additional trials if you have the need. However, don't wait too long. Our window for starting greenhouse trials and being able to finish them off prior to closing down for the summer will begin to close in a month or so.
Hope to see you all around the farm this season and let us know what we can do to be of service.
Proverbs 27:23-24
Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look
well to thy herds; for riches are not forever.