Monday, February 3, 2020

Research Update (February 3, 2020)

Research Update (February 3, 2020)

Diligence Technologies Inc., West Tennessee


In response to a need expressed by some our existing customers, Diligence Technologies will be providing research sample packaging and shipping services.  If you need someone to help handle the process of getting your research samples where they need to go, give us a call.  We will be glad to help.


Meeting season went into high gear in late January with visits to the NAICC in San Antonio, the SWSS in Biloxi, and the Cotton and Rice Conference in Memphis.  While we always enjoy catching up with old friends, it will be a bit of a relief to reach the part of winter where the meetings tend to be a little closer to home (and we can sleep in our own beds).  Look for us in February at a variety of meetings around west Tennessee and let us know how we can be of service.


We currently have the following meetings on our winter schedule:

Grain Conference (Feb. 6, Dyersburg, TN)
TN Ag Production Association (Feb. 12, Jackson, TN)
Cotton Focus (Feb. 13, Jackson, TN)
Gin Show (Feb. 28-29, Memphis, TN)
WSSA (Mar. 2-5, Maui, HI)


This is our slowest time of the year in the field with only an occasional rating or trip to view an ongoing trial.  That will change soon, however, as we move into spring applications to winter wheat and burndown trials.  Now is a great time to call with wheat fungicide and postemergence herbicide trials as well as early burndown work.  We want to be ready to head back to the field as soon as spring begins.


When we are slowest in the field, we tend to be the busiest in the greenhouse.  Ongoing greenhouse trials are being treated and evaluated and new trials are beginning.  If you are considering some greenhouse testing this winter, now would be a great time to give us a call.  We want to make sure that we have everything started in a timely manner so that we can finish up before shutting the greenhouse down for the summer.


Winter finally arrived in west Tennessee in late January.  The early part of January (and much of December for that matter) was warm and wet.  While we are still getting moisture, the temperatures recently have dropped to near normal (and sometimes quite a bit below normal).  This will slow the growth of winter weeds and winter wheat, but that is what we expect this time of year and should not be an issue.

We hope your winter is going great.  We look forward to seeing the folks we have not managed to catch up with yet.  And we hope you are getting a little rest before we all head back to the field for another season.

Proverbs 21:5

The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness.

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