Monday, January 7, 2019

Research Update (January 7, 2019)

Research Update (January 7, 2019)

Diligence Technologies Inc., West Tennessee

The NCWSS meeting in Milwaukee was excellent as always (and not nearly as cold as this southerner had feared).  Great to see all the old friends that we only run into when we venture up north.


With meeting season in full swing, we have a busy calendar for the winter months.  Look for us at any of the upcoming meetings listed below:
NAICC, JAN 16-19, Savannah, GA

Cotton & Rice Conference, JAN 30-FEB 1, Baton Rouge, LA

Southern Weed Science Society, FEB 3-6, Oklahoma City, OK
Tennessee Ag Production Association, FEB 20, Jackson, TN

Mid-South Farm & Gin Show, MAR 1-2, Memphis, TN


The field work is finally (mostly) put to bed for the season.  The last wheat and fall weed control data has been taken and we are mostly on hold until the weather breaks in late winter or early spring (which is really only a couple of months away).  Until then, we still have things to keep us busy.


Field work may have slowed down, but projects on the greenhouse are just getting started.  The interesting thing about greenhouse work is that you never know what is coming.  We have already started working with new crops, new pests, and new products that we had never tried in the greenhouse prior to this season.

We still have time and space left to start additional projects if you have the need.  Just let us know and we will make a plan.

The weather continued to be unusually cold and wet through December.  We had very few days suitable for field work and gathering data was particularly difficult.  We did manage to get most of our work completed, but almost everything (included us) picked up some mud in the process.


Winter weeds are about the only pests we have in the fields right now, but keep in mind that we should have some excellent sites come burndown time next spring.

Proverbs 12:24

The hand of the diligent shall bear rule, but the slothful shall be put to forced labor.